The software giant presented to developers a revolutionary touchscreen computer in the form of a coffee table. The most special part of this computer is that the touchscreen interface can recognize multiple touch points at the same time and also from multiple users. Microsoft says that the idea with this is to eliminate the keyboard and mouse as the primary elements of controlling and using the home computer. Its codename was Milan but now it is called Microsoft Surface. Surface has no cables or USB ports. It works with external devices as cameras, cellphones, pocket PC and other devices such as Zune by placing the device on top of the screen. The system now recognizes the device and connects wirelessly to it and qui
ckly displays the files that device has in the main screen. Now if you want to edit those files you can do so and send the file back to the device or transfer it to another device. A very nice trick is to send music files and playlists from one zune to another. Just place two zune devices on the table and drag and drop files from one device to another. The main components of Surface are: 1)Screen, 2)Infrared (which works as the machine vision), 3)CPU, and 4) Projector. Microsoft says that the table computer will be available this summer in hotels and public entertainment places for the general public to see the machine in action and plans for it to be ready for sale by the end of 2007. Check out a hands on review and video from Popular Mechanics
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Microsoft presents coffee table that will change the world
Friday, May 25, 2007
new limited edition zune already out there?

You still don know this but I am a very huge fan of Microsoft's Zune. I believe it is one of the most complete digital audio players out there and that it has one of the best sound quality of any other players in the market. After saying that, back to the topic at hand, just announced an Ebay auction for a red limited edition zune which Microsoft has promised to roll out this summer after the production of 100,000 limited edition pink zunes. How the seller got his hands on one and is it really an authentic one we don't know for sure. A few days ago we also saw out there a couple of pictures of a red zune spotted by a photographer. I just hope that Microsoft makes available this edition to the general public and that they finally announce that much awaited flash-memory zune. I'll keep posting as more rumors surface, in the meantime check out the auction, it has some box pictures.
Day 6 Ends.....Finally...

After a very long day season 6 of FOX's 24 is over. I believe it was a very good season despite some bad reviews that are out there. Jack Bauer saves the day AGAIN and the National Security of the US is safe. I would say that the story was not that intense and lacked a lot of story twists as the previous seasons had but the 24 essence was there. It was a very long and emotional day for Jack, just to think that he came in and saved the world after spending a couple of years in a prison in China just makes you wonder if Jack is really human. Throughout all season we saw a very emotional Jack Bauer that was not present in previous seasons. This "new" Jack had of course that dark side that does inhuman things without blinking an eye. But the part that made Jack very emotional was being forced to go after his own father and brother that were a big part of the terrorist plots of the day and also having to save the sides of his family that still were on the "good side". This season introduced to us what is to me one of the great new characters of the show Tom Lennox. Peter MacNiol should win an Emmy or something like that for his great performance and personification of such a great character. Also I believe that killing off Milo was a mistake he should have at least gotten the chance of getting more involved with Nadia just like Tony got his chance with Michelle. The way that the season ended left the door opened for the producers to set the show wherever and whenever they want in our hero's future. I believe that a fresh setting and a new set of characters with those new ones that were introduced this season will give the show a nice new start and fresh felling. So until January of '08 we wont know what happened to Jack and friends after the end of Day 6. Overall i give season 6 a B grade. I should also say that a 24 movie is in the works for next year and I hope that the producers make it as a kind of prequel so that great characters like Tony, Michelle, and David Palmer can be seen again with Jack but this time in the big screen. I will post more about the movie as rumors surface.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Now I am really lost.....

After Wednesday Lost season finale on ABC I got really really lost. Don't get me wrong I loved the episode it was instantly one of my favorites, they explained a lot of things that were still hanging up in the air but those Jack's flashbacks, that we can't even call them flashbacks because it were things that are going to happen supposedly in the future after they get out of the island, come on!, who is that mysterious person that Jack mourns so much and why is he so depressed about it?? Why does he call Kate at the end of the show and keeps screaming that they have to go back to the island?? Maybe Ben was right and getting rid of the signal blocker was a mistake after all. Also poor Charlie, he was one of my favorite characters. He was sincere and very helpful with everyone on that island. I really liked that they got into the script that song from his band that he sang in the first episodes of the series ("you all everybody"). So I'm asking for a moment of silence for Charlie...... Now after that all we can do is wait for Lost to return in January '08 and keep speculating.
How do you score 12 runs and loose!!!!!????
I can not believe that the Mariners scored 12 runs and lost today to the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Ok so the starting pitcher for that game, Horacio Ramirez, got hurt in the second inning but after that how can you let your first guy out of the bullpen give up 7 runs on 6 hits (all earned)!!!Come on, you are giving up the game in the third inning!!! So after that disaster your offense comes back and put some runs on the board your pitching staff has to hold on the opposing team offense to give the team a chance to get back into the game. The Mariners' offense got back into the game but the pitching staff did not hold the Devil Rays offense. It was all about Ichiro and the bottom part of the lineup producing, Richie Sexon and Jose Guillen went 0 for 10 in that game!! That is the middle part of the order from where the RBIs should come from and the rest of the offense scored 12 runs. Imagine if those two guys produced the way they are expected to produce.... I believe that Mike Hargrove can't keep Sexon hitting 5th every day hoping for him to come around and start hitting, he has to get him out of that pressure spot and also he should platoon him with Ben Broussard when the team faces right handed pitchers. Back to the pitching staff, I know that for Sean White, who has done a great job so far throughout the year, it was a tough spot to go into the game in the third inning not expecting so but that is his primary job. So tonight lesson learned for Mike Hargrove and friends(I hope!). I should also note that they were the first team this season to score 12 runs and loose.
Windows Live Mail Desktop
I have just downloaded a new hotmail tool from that is called Windows Live Mail Desktop. I find it really useful and you should try it out. I believe it is based in an Outlook type platform that almost everyone is familiar with. It is also very user friendly and customizable. You can also control more than one email account from it. Everyone should try it out and see how it works for them !
First time entry
Hi, my name is Jose Melendez and I have been a sports and gadgets blog reader for a couple of years now and I have decided to start one blog on my own. I hope I can write useful information and also nice facts about the things I like. I will be publishing most about technology and my thoughts on my favorite sports teams and other sports incidents. Enjoy!
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